Thursday, July 1, 2010

Randi's home/ Memorial Service

Randi went home to her heavenly father yesterday, June 30th. We know she is now in a better place, better then any of us. We know God listens to Ryan's prayer and made her an angel with pink wings. Can't you just see that, her with pink wings and maybe with some glitter on them.

Geoff has decided to have a memorial service, for those who wish to attend. It will be July 3 at 11 am at Mesa View Methodist Church. The church is on the northeast corner of Montano and Taylor Ranch Rd.

There will be no reception to follow.

Randi Metoyer 5/31/82 - 6/30/10
We love you, you'll be missed.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hello Again,

Well today is day 80 post transplant and I am feeling great most days. I still have a few days when I am tired pretty much all day. But last wednesday was not one of those days. Geoff and I went to Dave And Busters for dinner and played all kinds of games it was super fun and we can't wait to be able to do it again. So there is not much news to tell we only have to go to the clinic on tuesdays and thursdays to get my blood worked checked and a little fluid and magnesium. We are so excited to be getting close to coming home!

I am taking part in a study which is pretty exciting. What it is, is a study that will hopefully keep the leukemia from coming back for longer or even for good. I get a shot of a low dose chemo for 5 days every 28 days. the way it works is the low dose of chemo finds any residual leukemia and kills it. but it also tags the leukemia with a protein so that the new immune system can recognize them and kill them as well. Sorry if that got a little nerdy I get a little carried away cause it is so cool. Anyway it is exciting and we are glad I am able to be a part of it.

Well we are just sitting and waiting for our 100 days so we can get home. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! we love you all.

With all my Love,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hello Everyone,

So today is day 56 post transplant. I am feeling really good. I still get a little tired and feel a little weak. I feel better and better everyday. We only have to go to the clinic two days a week for labs and some IV fluids and an antifungal for the pneumonia still. Each time we go my blood counts come up and are almost in normal ranges. We got some great news today. The results from the bone marrow biopsy I had on day 30 post transplant showed that 100% of t-cells and myeloid cells are identical to the donor which is compatible with successful engraftment. All of that means that the transplant is working and there is no leukemia in my bone marrow.

Yesterday we had a great opportunity to share how important it is for people to sign up for the bone marrow registry. KOAT 7 news interviewed my dad and did a little segment on our story on the ten o clock news. it was very nice and they have a link on their website to the bone marrow registry so everyone check it out and also go give blood it's not hard even if your scared they take care of you and I would not be here if it weren't for the kindness and sacrifice of others who gave blood and platelets and of course the stem cells for the transplant. So if you don't normally or regularly give blood I encourage you to start it really is a life saving act that is so appreciated by so many.

Well thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers we could not get through this with out them. I would like to say thank you to KOAT for telling our story and helping us get the word out about how important it is to register. Well we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that this wonderful New Year brings joy and happiness to all.

With all my Love,

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Okay, So again sorry it has been so long. But thank you Ali for the update!
So today is day 42 after transplant and I feel pretty good. Still a little tired and weak but everyday I feel a little better. We have to stay in Houston for 100 days after transplant. That will be Feb. 18th. I am also happy to report that when we left the hospital they told us we would have to go to the clinic everyday for 4 to 6 hours for two weeks and then if all was well we would be able to have some days off, well we went three days and then they gave us a day off and now we only have to go three days a week because my blood counts are doing great and the bone marrow biopsy results showed normal cells.

I am so excited for Christmas my Mom is here she has been since the transplant and my dad will be here tomorrow and Josh gets here thurs. The boys got here today with Geoffs Mom and Mike. It is going to be sooooo much fun! Mom and Dad and the boys are staying through the new year.

Well again thank you all for you thoughts and prayers they sure are working God is so good. we are hoping to take a lot of pictures this Christmas so I will try to post them if I can.

With all my Love,

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hi. Ok so I am posting again. I know you all would like to hear from Randi, but she is not feeling well. That nasty chemo they gave her is not kicking her butt. Well not her butt but her mouth and throat. She has blisters in her mouth. She can't eat, drink or even talk. Which I bet is weird not to hear our Randi talk.

Hopefully she will be back soon.
Happy thanksgiving to all.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


So today is day 5 after transplant and things are going well. I am feeling pretty good. I am have some head aches from the anti rejection meds that they are giving me but they give me other meds to help. 

Yesterday I walked 5 times around all four pods (nursing stations) on the floor which is 1 mile! I did it again today and I also rode the exercise bike 1 mile! woohoo! On this floor we get paper circles called M&Ms (Moving And Motivated) every time we go out and walk or go to the exercise class and then when we get 15 of them we get a bandana and become an M&M champion. it is fun and really helps to stay motivated to not sit in bed all day.

Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers. Thank you Ali for all your help and the updates when I can't it sure is a lot of help. Love You!!!

With all my Love,

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Start

Hi,Great News. Randi got her new start last night. At about 7 pm (Texas time) Randi got her new bone marrow. It was to take about 7 or 8 hours. They were watching her very closely.
We are all thankfull for the lady who donated. It is such an awesome, unselfish thing to do for someone she doesn't even know.
I will post more when I know more.

Praising God for working throught people the way he does.
